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www.tyx.com.hk   2009-5-13    天医星集团资讯中心






通痹灵膏(黑膏)和颈腰灵膏(黑膏)是邱天道研究员的祖传秘方。对风寒湿邪引起的各种疼痛性疾病有效率达到98%以上,本品选用新疆、青海、云南、四川、河南等深山纯野生动植物药材,用传统秘制熬膏法精制而成。 主要成分:雪莲花、蝮蛇、木瓜、生川乌、生草乌、生马钱子、僵蚕、全蝎、虎骨草、藏红花等。 【功能】祛风散寒,活血止痛,通络开痹。【适应症】1、风寒湿闭阻、淤血阻络所致的痹病,症见关节疼痛、冷痛、刺痛或疼痛致甚,趣伸不利、局部恶寒、腰腿疼痛、四肢麻木及跌打损伤所致的局部肿痛。2、风湿,类风湿、腰椎间盘突出、颈椎病、肩周炎、腰腿痛、四肢麻木、关节肿大、妇女产后风及风寒湿邪引起的疑难杂症。

颈腰灵膏 Efficacious Osseous-Treating Plaster 【 性 状 】本品为摊于布上的黑膏药。 [Description] Efficacious Osseous-Treating Plaster is a black adhesive plaster spread upon a gauze. 【主要成份】生马钱子、铁丝威灵仙、狗脊、葛根、鸡血藤、熟地、桑寄生、生川乌、生草乌、透骨草、川续断、三棱、蜈蚣、羌活、骨碎补等 39 味。 [Ingredients] The Plaster is made up from 39 medicinal materials, including unprocessed Semen strychni, Radix Clematidis (Tie Si Wei Ling Xian), Rhizoma Cibotii, Radix Puerariae, Caulis Spatholobi, Radix Rehmanniae Preparata, Herba Taxilli, unprocessed Radix Aconiti, unprocessed Aconitum kusnezoffii, Herba Speranskiae Tuberculatae, Radix Dipsaci, Rhizoma Sparganii, centipedes, Rhizoma seu Radix Notopterygii, Rhizoma Drynariae, etc. 【功能主治】祛风通络,温经散寒,活血止痛,化瘀消肿,萎缩骨刺。适用于颈椎、腰椎、膝关节、脚跟等骨质增生;症见疼痛、肿胀、麻木、屈伸不利等。 [Function] The plaster is able to relieve rheumatic pains, dredge the arteries and veins, as well as warm the main and collateral channels, dispel colds, invigorate the circulation of blood, stop pains, dissolve bruises, lessen swellings, and shrink spurs. It is intended for osseous hyperplasia of the c ervical vertebrae , the lumbar vertebrae , the knee joint or the heel bone, all of which may produce symptoms ranging from pains, tumidness, anaesthesia to hardness in extending or bending the limbs. 【用法用量】 加温软化,颈椎增生贴于大椎穴(第七颈椎棘突下);腰椎增生贴于病灶处(骨刺的病灶部位);膝关节增生贴于膝关节病灶处(骨刺的病灶部位);足跟增生贴于病灶处(骨刺的病灶部位)。洗澡时可去掉,洗澡后让皮肤休息 3 小时再贴,以免皮肤过敏。每贴膏药可使用 6 天, 48 天为一疗程。 [Application and Dosage] Heat up to soften the plaster and spread it upon the Da-Zhui acupuncture point ( which is under the seventh cervical spinous process ) in the case of cervical hyperplasia, upon the focus of infection( at the spur) in the case of lumbar hyperplasia and heel bone hyperplasia, upon the focus of infection at the spur in the knee joint in the case of knee joint hyperplasia. Remove it when taking a bath, and do not replaster until 3 hours later so that the skin may relax and refrain from allergy. Each piece of plaster can be used for 6 days, and every period of treatment consists of 48 days. 【 注 意 】①如有剩余膏药粘在皮肤上,可将膏药袋撕开,用内面粘下留在皮肤上的膏药。或将膏药加热,用膏药粘下剩余膏药。②贴后若皮肤发痒乃系药力渗入病灶刺激皮肤所致,遇到此种情况可将膏药暂时揭下,用热毛巾轻敷,切勿抓破,待不痒后再贴之。③贴后有时患处更加疼痛、更酸麻,此乃邪气盛正气较弱 , 不能战胜邪气所致,不久即可减轻,请勿惊慌。④贴用本品后,同时还服用其它丸、散剂,均无妨碍。⑤皮肤过敏、皮肤溃破者禁用。 [Precautions] (1)If the Plaster, when removed, still somehow sticks to the skin, unrip the packet and with its seamy side glue the remnants from the skin. Or, you could glue the remnants with a heated piece of plaster. (2)Itch of skin is expected when the efficacy of the drug reaches into the focus of infection and irritates the skin. To banish the itch, take off the plaster for a while and cover the spot with a hot towel; when the itch is over, do no replaster until the surface of the skin is confirmed to be intact. (3)If the affected part aches and tingles even more bitterly at the application of the plaster, it should be the result of the overcoming of evil-qi over the vital-qi, which will alleviate itself soon. So take it easy. (4)A simultaneous use of other medicine of pills or powder, together with the plaster is permissible. (5) The Plaster must not be administered to patients with skin allergy or skin ulcer. 【 规 格 】每贴净重 8g 。 [Specification] Net Weight : 8g/piece 【 包 装 】 1 贴 / 袋。 [Package] 1 piece/packet 【 贮 藏 】密闭,置阴凉、干燥处保存。 [Storage] The plaster is to be kept under air-tight condition in a cool dry place.

【 性 状 】本品为摊于布上的黑膏药。 [Description] Efficacious Anestheisa-Dispelling Plaster is a black adhesive plaster spread upon a gauze. 【主要成份】生马钱子、生川乌、生草乌、生乳香、生没药、生水蛭、蜈蚣、蚂蚁、雷公藤、勾藤、海风藤、天仙藤、鸡血藤、威灵仙、细辛、土茯苓、防己、党参、黄芪、当归、川芎、鹿角霜、三七、冰片等 67 味。
[Ingredients] The Plaster is made up from 67 medicinal materials, including unprocessed Semen strychni, unprocessed Radix Aconiti, unprocessed Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii, unprocessed Olibanum, unprocessed Myrrha, unprocessed leeches, centipedes, ants, Radix Tripterygii Wilfordii, Ramulus Uncariae cum Uncis, Caulis Piperis Kadsurae, Caulis Aristolochiae, Caulis Spatholobi, Radix Clematidis, Herba Asari, Rhizoma Smilacis Glabrae,Radix Stephaniae Tetrandrae, Radix Codonopsis, Radix Astragali, Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, Cornu Cervi Degelatinatum, Radix Notoginseng, Borneolum, etc. 【功能主治】消炎镇痛,祛风除湿,活血化瘀,拔毒消肿,通络开痹,舒筋壮骨 。用于风湿性关节炎、类风湿性关节炎、强直性脊柱炎、肩周炎、肌肉酸痛、关节痛、神经痛、腰腿痛、颈椎病、椎间盘突出、腰肌劳损、陈旧性伤痛、陈旧性骨损伤、软组织损伤等。[Function] The Plaster is used to diminish inflammation, ease pains, relieve rheumatism, invigorate the circulation of blood, dissolve bruises, draw out poison, lessen swellings, as well as dredge the arteries and veins, dispel anesthesia, comfort the muscles and strengthen the bones. It is intended for rheumatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, tonic rachitis, periarthritis of shoulder, muscle aches, arthralgia, neuralgia, waist and leg pains, cervical diseases, intervertebral disk protuberance, strain of lumbar muscles, recurrence of old pains and fracture, parenchyma trauma, etc. 【用法用量】加温软化,贴于病灶处(炎症部位)、阿是穴(疼痛处)或遵医嘱。洗澡时可去掉,洗澡后让皮肤休息 3 小时再贴,以免皮肤过敏。每贴膏药可使用 6 天, 48 天为一疗程。
[Application and Dosage]Heat up to soften the plaster and spread it upon the focus of infection in the inflammation, the sore spot, or do according to doctors' advice. Remove it when taking a bath, and do not replaster right after the bath until 3 hours later so that the skin may relax and refrain from allergy. Each piece of plaster can be used for 6 days, and every period of treatment consists of 48 days. 【 注 意 】①如有剩余膏药粘在皮肤上,可将膏药袋撕开,用内面粘下留在皮肤上的膏药。或将膏药加热,用膏药粘下剩余膏药。②贴后若皮肤发痒乃系药力渗入病灶刺激皮肤所致,遇到此种情况可将膏药暂时揭下,用热毛巾轻敷,切勿抓破,待不痒后再贴之。③贴后有时患处更加疼痛、更酸麻,此乃邪气盛正气较弱,不能战胜邪气所致,不久即可减轻,请勿惊慌。④贴用本品后,同时还服用其它丸、散剂,均无妨碍。⑤皮肤过敏、皮肤溃破者禁用。[Precautions] (1)If the Plaster, when removed, still somehow sticks to the skin, unrip the packet and with its seamy side glue the remnants from the skin. Or, you could glue the remnants with a heated piece of plaster. (2)Itch of skin is expected when the efficacy of the drug reaches into the focus of infection and irritates the skin. To banish the itch, take off the plaster for a while and cover the spot with a hot towel; when the itch is over, do no replaster until the surface of the skin is confirmed to be intact. (3)If the affected part aches and tingles even more bitterly at the application of the plaster, it should be the result of the overcoming of evil-qi over the vital-qi, which will alleviate itself soon. So take it easy. (4)A simultaneous use of other medicine of pills or powder, together with the plaster is permissible. (5) The Plaster must not be administered to patients with skin allergy or skin ulcer. 【 规 格 】每贴净重 8g 。 [Specification] Net Weight : 8g /piece 【 包 装 】 1 贴 / 袋。 [Package]1piece/packet 【 贮 藏 】密闭,置阴凉、干燥处保存。 [Storage] The plaster is to be kept under air-tight condition in a cool dry place.

添加:2009-5-13   录入:湖翁老   人气:1321
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